Morrison Ministries is a multi-faceted non-profit, 501(c)3 tax exempt service organization established to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the “perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry,

Our Vision

The Prophetic Matriarch’s Mantle is a spiritual corporation of men and women of God who hunger and thirst to be more like Jesus (Matthew 5:6) in every way. Not only do we long to possess and walk in the Master’s character, but we also have a continuous yearning to operate in His power (Acts 1:8).


Walking in God’s power encompasses a visible manifestation of the power of God in the areas of salvation, miracles, healing, deliverance, revival, restoration, multiplication and uncanny economic results. Sons and daughters are submitted to the anointing and gifting of our spiritual mother, Prophetess Marcia Morrison. Prophetess Morrison carries the prophetic and matriarchal mandate to change the lives of others in God’s Kingdom (leaders in particular) through the impartation of the anointing that’s on her life.


The means of impartation is through teaching, training and the laying on of hands (I Timothy 4:12-16). Prophetess Morrison is a rare jewel in the body of Christ because one of her deepest desires is for her sons and daughters to operate in the same anointing, power, and integrity that she does. As a matter of fact, she expects sons and daughters to display “greater works” (John 14:12). Sons and daughters of Prophetess Morrison have the same desire to change the lives of others through teaching, training, and impartation. The vision of the Prophetic Matriarch’s Mantle includes provoking, challenging, teaching and training churches and church leaders to walk in and demonstrate God’s wonder-working power. Members of the Prophetic Matriarch’s Mantle will share a love for one another that’s contagious, a unity that glorifies God, and power that draws others to Jesus. Mother’s vision is that the family grows and expands immensely to embrace those displaced sons and daughters bearing the same DNA, passion, hunger and thirst to demonstrate the deeper things of God through greater works and uncompromising holiness.

PMM FormPMM Form

The Prophetic Matriarch’s Mantle

Under the matriarchal anointing of Prophetess Morrison

exists to rekindle the flames of revival and true Kingdom expansion through the vehicle of discipleship. The Words of Jesus to His disciples were, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12) One of the distinct characteristics of the Prophetic Matriarch’s Mantle is to present and operate in a visible manifestation of power that will cause un-believers to believe in and give their lives to Jesus—if for no other reason than “…for the very works’ sake.” (John 14:11)


Simply put, the Prophetic Matriarch’s Mantle is a group of “Spiritual Navy Seals” who will be among the best military marksmen worldwide. Through guidance and training from our Matriarch, we are a family with like DNA upon whom God can trust and depend to get the tough and complex jobs done in our sphere of influence here on the earth. Further deemed prophetically by our spiritual Mother as “Spiritual Ivy Leaguers”, members of the Prophetic Matriarch’s Mantle go above and beyond and are sons and daughters of high spiritual acumen, high honor and high integrity.
